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Seaside Buoy

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About Seaside Buoy

Available for web, Android, and iOS, Seaside Buoy provides instant access to hundreds of ocean data buoys. Each buoy is unique, but may have water temperature, wave height, wind, atmospheric pressure, or tide times and magnitudes. Data are provided by NOAA and other scientific organizations around the world. Click a marker on the map above for the latest measurements. For complete detail, download the mobile app. You can also access by asking Alexa or the Google Assistant to "Talk to Seaside Buoy".

Click below to download the free mobile app on Google Play, iOS, or Amazon.

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Google Assistant & Alexa

Every day, thousands of people get live ocean temperature, swell, and tide times from Seaside Buoy through Alexa and the Google Assistant. Click below to enable.

Google Assistant

Amazon Alexa